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Our Twinning in Lewes is quite unique in that it is an independent association as opposed to a civic twinning association. Our Twinning dates back to school exchanges which started back in 1947. Our aim’s remain the same as they always have which is to promote contact and friendship with people from both Lewes's twin towns.
Lewes, the County Town of Sussex, is twinned with Blois (pronounced Blue-ah), in the Loire in France and Waldshut-Tiengen (Valdsuit-Ting-en) in the Black Forest in Germany. (Click on their names for their location - opens in a new tab.)
We like to think that in spite of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union we have much to offer in friendship and unity between individuals and like-minded organisations from our three Towns. We aim to encourage young and old to participate in visits to our twin towns of Blois and Waldshut-Tiengen to make friends and to enjoy the communal spirit of twinning. Likewise, we also encourage and welcome visits by individuals and groups from our twin towns to our town of Lewes.
There are trips arranged, staying in people's homes, (or hotels or hostels if there is a need), and visits are made to experience the beautiful scenery of the Loire or the Black Forest. There are also many festivals in the towns, which are regularly attended by groups and societies as well as members of Lewes Twinning Association.
We hope that this site will give an idea of what twinning activities we encourage and the events that happen between the three towns, and how you can join.
We believe that the tradition of "twinning" still serves a purpose today, even more so now Brexit has happened. We feel that there is much to be gained from the unity and mutual friendships that are often forged with our Twinning partners in Europe.
To see how Lewes Twinning started please see our History page.
(A big thank you to Esther at Ocean Breeze Creative who has very kindly refreshed our logo.)